Upcoming Events and Activities

Monthly Events and Activities

Sept 1st:

9:00am  - Worship
10:15am - Education Hour

Sept 2nd:

5:00pm - No Men's Group Dinner tonight for Labor Day

Sept 3rd:

1st Day of Preschool 2 Day Class
- Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

Sept 4th:

1st Day of Preschool 3 Day Class
 - Quilters
7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

Sept 8th:

9:00am  - Worship
10:15am - Rally Sunday! Come find out about our ministries.

Sept 9th:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

Sept 11th:

9:00am  - Quilters
7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

Sept 14th:

10:00am - 11:30am "Knotty Group"
1:00pm "BIG DEALS" card group

Sept 15th:

9:00am  - Worship
10:15am - Congregational Forum-Fellowship Hall

Sept 16th:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

Sept 18th:

9:00am  - Quilters
7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

Sept 21th:

10:00am  - B.R.E.A.T.H.

Sept 22nd:

9:00am  - Worship
10:15am - Education Hour
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Youth Group Kick Off

Sept 23rd:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

Sept 25th:

9:00am  - Quilters
7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

Sept 28th:

10:00am - 1:00pm Preschool Prayer Partners Meet & Greet

Sept 29th:

9:00am  - HYMN SING Worship
10:15am - Education Hour
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Youth Group

Sept 30th:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

Weekly Events and Activities


5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner & Fellowship - meets in the Fellowship Hall
6:00pm - Pilgrim Life Group


10:00am - Bible Study - meets in the Fellowship Hall


9:00am - Quilters Meet (Don't need to know how to sew.)
7:00pm - Wednesday Night Casual Service



September 8th: Rally Sunday - During the Education Hour we invite you to visit booths that will showcase the variety of ministries that Pilgrim is involved in.

September 15th: Church Forum

September 29th: Hymn Sing Sunday

Tasty and Successful Mexican Themed Potluck!

Little Pilgrim Preschool
St. Patrick's Day Parade

Knotty Group - Watercolor Lenten Cross Paintings

Family Building Competition

2023 Event Filled Memories